Eight week challenge results: How I lost 18lbs and 5% body fat | F45 Challenge
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During lockdown many of us have gained weight and with 2020 being ‘cancelled’ it was hard to stay motivated, as Telegraph Journalist Danielle Robinson found. Over the course of the next 8 weeks she’s challenged herself to lose the weight she gained in lockdown, following the F45 8 week challenge. Each week we’ll be posting a video diary entry of her achievements and hurdles. This week Danielle has finished the challenge, check out her results and tips for anyone else taking on a fitness challenge.
To find out more, visit: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/body/eight-week-fitness-challenge-can-lose-weight-gained-lockdown/
#f45 #results #beforeandafter #f458weekchallenge
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