27 Best Healthy Prebiotic Foods | Prebiotic Foods List
Lifestyle January 18th. 2024, 6:35pmPrebiotics are types of dietary fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut. This helps the gut bacteria produce nutrients for your colon cells and leads to a healthier digestive system.
Here are 27 Healthy Prebiotic Foods.
1. Bananas.
2. Apples.
3. Watermelon.
4. Grapefruit.
5. Bran.
6. Barley.
7. Oats.
8. Almonds.
9. Pistachio nuts.
10. Flaxseeds.
11. Chicory.
12. Jerusalem artichokes.
13. Garlic.
14. Onions.
15. Leeks.
16. Savoy cabbage.
17. Chickpeas.
18. Lentils.
19. Beans.
20. Dandelion Greens.
21. Asparagus.
22. Konjac Root.
23. Chocolate.
24. Burdock Root.
25. Yacon Root.
26. Jicama Root.
27. Seaweed.
Source: https://forhealthgiving.com/27-best-healthy-prebiotic-foods/
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