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Episode 32 Dr Claire Fraser explains how our gut microbes improve our health, prevent disease and

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Women who are pregnant often talk how careful they are about what they eat and drink. They’re careful, points out Dr. Claire Fraser, because they’re feeding their baby.

“Well, we should all think about diet in the same way that pregnant women do,” says Fraser. “Everything we put into our mouths, we’re either feeding or not feeding our gut microbes … And it’s important we keep our gut microbes happy.”

Fraser is a pioneer and global leader in genomic medicine, a branch of molecular biology that focuses on the genome. In episode 32 of STEM-Talk, Fraser sits down with host Dawn Kernagis and IHMC founder Ken Ford to explain why we should all pay more attention to our guts, which is the home of more than 100 trillion bacteria.

An endowed professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Fraser is a founder and director of Maryland’s Institute for Genome Sciences. From 1998 to 2007, she was the director of the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and led teams that sequenced the genomes of several microbial organisms, including important human and animal pathogens.

In 1995, she became the first person to map the complete genetic code of a free-living organism, Haemophilus Influenza, the bacterium that causes lower respiratory tract infections and meningitis in infants and young children. This discovery forever changed microbiology and launched a new field of study, microbial genomics.

During this time, she and her team also sequenced the bacteria behind syphilis and Lyme disease, and eventually the first plant genome and the first human-pathogenic parasite. She even helped identify the source of a deadly 2001 anthrax attack in one of the biggest investigations conducted by U.S. law enforcement.

Research into the benefits of gut bacteria has exploded around the world in the past decade. In this STEM-Talk episode, Fraser explains the role these microbes play in improving health, preventing disease, and keeping us mentally sharp. She even shares how her diet has changed since she started studying the gut microbiome.

Fraser also talks about working with the FBI during the 2001 antrhax attacks and her early work in microbiology that led to the first mapping of a free-living organism’s complete genetic code.

Her recent lecture at IHMC, titled “The Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease,” can be viewed at

If you’re interested in learning more about the gut microbiome, Fraser in her lecture recommended “The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-term Health” by Stanford University scientists Justin and Erica Sonnenburg.
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Probiotics 60 Billion CFU by Physician's CHOICE – REVIEW

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Probiotics 60 Billion CFU by Physician’s CHOICE – REVIEW
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in this video review, of Physician’s CHOICE 60 Billion CFU Probiotics, we go over the best features of the product that make it stand out of many prebiotic and probiotic supplements available on the market.

We talk about the strong points and the weak points of this probiotic supplement, outline who it is designed for and how it can help you, side effects of physicians choice 60 billion probiotic, where to buy it at cheapest price and how to save even more on recurring orders on Amazon.

In the end, we bring testimonials from the real users that use this product and share their good and bad experience with Physician’s CHOICE 60 Billion CFU Probiotics supplement.

»» Why Choose Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics

HIGH POTENCY – Each serving, that’s 1 single pill, includes 60 Billion CFU of Probiotic Bacteria. This broad spectrum probiotic blend is formulated with the highly researched strain Acidophilus. While the supplement offers 10 most beneficial strains of probiotic, each strain has its unique role in making the supplement bile acid resistant and thus helping in improving gut health, along with a variety of other benefits.

All those strains were hand picked and found as having the most positive effect for improving and achieving optimal digestive health.

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PREBIOTICS – Well, you know about probiotics but you may not have heard yet of prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that help your probiotics to survive and thrive. In other words, prebiotics are your probiotics’ natural food source! If probiotic bacteria don’t get enough food they’ll slowly starve and die off. In fact, only 5% of probiotic products on the shelves come with prebiotics. Yes, only 5 in every 100 probiotic supplements contain probiotics, the food they so much need to survive. These probiotic supplements are doomed to fail from the start, unless you’re eating a diet which is high in prebiotic fiber.

»» So, What Are The Prebiotic Fibers that Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics Contain?

Physician’s Choice Probiotics contain a prebiotic fiber blend of Jerusalem artichoke root, Gum Arabic, Fibergum Bio and Chicory Root powder. Knowing that you can rest assured that your probiotic bacterias won’t starve to death in your digestive system!

Shelf Stable Bottle – Most probiotic products lose significant CFU (effectiveness of beneficial bacteria) just sitting on retail shelves. In fact, it takes about 6 months for probiotics to lose 50% or more of their beneficial bacteria. All that because of moisture, light, oxygen, and storage conditions. Clinical research shows anywhere from 80-99% of the probiotics in any one product will melt under intense heat from your stomach acid. One recent study on common probiotics found that only 13% of the advertised CFU count was alive after independent testing.

Physician’s Choice Patented Shelf Stable Bottle, seals out moisture and ensures CFU surve for longer time. CSP containers (bottles) are the best and most effective barrier against moisture, oxygen and light. The desiccant sleeve inside these patented bottles ensures the capsules see virtually no moisture the worst enemy of the live probiotic bacteria.

Acid Resistant & Time Release – Unlike other probiotics, Capsugel Acid Resistant Delayed-Release Capsules, that Physician’s Choice makes a use of, resist stomach acid when the capsule is swallowed. DRcaps use a smart delayed release technology, and release the enclosed probiotic material 45 minutes after being swallowed.

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In those 45 minutes the probiotics reach the intestines and attach to the intestinal walls. The probiotics survive the stomach acid, and then are released into the intestine in time and where they should be released.

High Quality – Physician’s Choice Probiotics are physician approved, to be made of 100% natural ingredients, Non-GMO and gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free!

And when it comes to manufacturing & sourcing, Physician’s Choice Probiotic are always the highest standard quality available. The supplement is developed by the largest and most trusted SNF-GMP certified manufacturer of herbal extracts, in the USA.

All ingredients sourced must pass multi-step quality control processing conducted by qualified scientists and technicians using advanced techniques to assure transparency, purity, and safety. Each stage of supplement production is documented. That means all stages from harvesting to packaging, guaranteeing the safest, most effective product possible, everything is registered and verified.

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Probiotic Side Effects

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Hey there, this is Evan with and today, we’re going to explain probiotic side effects. And there are three things you need to know about probiotic side effects. Thing number one is what are they? Are you gonna maybe die? Are you going to just feel a little discomfort? So we’ll get into that. Thing number two, we’re going to talk about how do you prevent yourself from getting side effects from probiotics? Are there any tricks? And thing number three, we’re going to discuss what are some of the best ways to lessen probiotic side effects if you already have them?

On, we’ve had our side effects page up for over seven years, probably going on eight this September when we launched the site. And it is one of our most commented pages, and people are telling me all sorts of great things about probiotic side effects. And they vary. But really, you can break them down into four different categories of side effects.

Category number one: digestive side effects, so things like mild diarrhea, mild bloating, mild constipation, or a little more severe. It just depends on the person. Bloating is common, flatulence, and those are typically the digestive side effects you might see. The second category, the next most common one, would be skin, sort of rashes, pimples, that type of thing. That is reported quite frequently on And then the next category would be just sort of mood type things, where you feel maybe a little depressed or a little down. And the last category would be feeling low energy or maybe a little sort of slight flu.

And these types of side effects are generally pretty mild, but sometimes they can be quite intense. You and I, we could take the same probiotic for the same reason, and it just might affect us differently. So that’s just the way it is, and it’s the same with any other medication, like blood pressure medication or anti-depressants or something like that. I’m not a doctor so I can’t speak to those, but I know that different people experience different side effects. And some people just experience their benefits, right? So those are the types of things you can expect.

Even the worst cases, they typically clear up within a month. Most clear up within a couple days.

Now we’re going to talk about what you can do to minimize your chances, just take them all the way down to getting side effects from taking probiotics. I wish I could point to just this brand never has side effects or this one always do, but it’s not like that. Again, it’s an individual thing and different people are going to react differently. And most of you aren’t going to get side effects, but here’s how you prevent them as best as possible.

Number one: start off slow. Let’s say you got some probiotics from a store and they say, “Take three a day.” And you’re like, “Oh, those are just three little pills. I’ll take six. I really want to get more, faster.” Your body needs a little time to adjust to put it in real simple terms, so let’s say it calls for three a day, I’d only take one a day for maybe even the first week, and just really adjust to it. Or let’s say it only has one pill, well maybe I’ll take one pill, wait a day or two, then I’ll take my next pill. After a week, I’ll work up to taking that full dose. So you just got to take it slow.

Next, you want to consider the CFU count. So that’s like the big number you’ll see on the label of the probiotic. It’ll say 30 billion or 100 billion. My rule of thumb is you wanna stay below 30 billion. Now the unfortunate thing is even that rule just doesn’t always work, but generally less is gonna do better when you start out.

Now let’s say you took some probiotics and you have some side effects. You have some mild bloating that’s really common, or mild skin rash. There’s about three things you can do. So thing number one: you can reduce the dosage or just stop it all together. Now if you’re doctor is having you take these probiotics, you need to check with him or her and see if that’s the right move. There’s may be some reason that you have to, have to, have to take them. So always check with your doctor if they’re prescribed to you from. Otherwise though, if you’re just doing it yourself, you can taper down or just stop altogether. Personally, I’d just stop and I’d wait and then I’d sort of ramp up slowly again if I wanted to continue taking those probiotics.

The next thing you can do to reduce your side effects is just really taking care of yourself. So I’m talking eat good food that’s easy to digest, don’t go crazy with sugar, keep your blood sugar in check. Next, you want to really make sure that you’re sleeping well. You want to try and reduce extra stress from your life. No all night partying, maybe skip the cocktail for a little while. And really stay well hydrated.
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Jack Kruse on How Light sculpts Your Microbiome & Implications for Gut Health and Mental Illness

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Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science & Technology) and Jame Shadrach (Honours Degree in Psychology) have a mind expanding discussion with Neurosurgeon, Dr Jack Kruse on how light may sculpt the microbiome and the implications for health including diabetes, obesity and mental illness.


Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is currently in private practice in the Gulf South.

As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kruse’s research has been published in respected dental and medical journals. His popular blog,, gets over 250,000 unique worldwide visitors per month from countries like Australia, Germany, Russia, and Zambia (Africa).

Topics discussed:

* Jack’s health crisis
* The book that inspired Jack’s journey

* Obesity linked to blue light, sunlight and non native electromagnetic frequencies
* Unlearning to relearn
* POMC and morning sunlight (sunrise to 10am)
* The Sphinx
* Depression and Dopamine
* Serotonin, Melatonin and the Gut Brain Axis
* Tryptophan, melatonin and Cytochrome C
* Melatonin and mitochondrial autophagy and apoptosis
* Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) impact on Gut and Brain
* Light sculpts the microbiome
* Surfaces exposed to light: eye, skin and gut
* Leptin stimulus
* What is Melanopsin?
* Bacteria and light
* Fritz Popp and Biophotons- extreme low frequency ultra violet light
* Microbiome as a light intermediary
* Jeff Leech, Hazda Study

* The impact of human migration on the microbiome
* Bacteria and UV light
* Niacin and tryptophan
* The carbohydrate photon and Electron link via the Einstein’s photo electric effect
* Eye, skin and gut yolking
* Gut metabolite Methane: the hydrogen store
* Hydrogen Sulphide: gasotransmitter
* Nitric Oxide and electron chain transport
* Red light and ATPase
* Calorie restriction and sunlight
* Sulfation: Mission microbiome
* Sulfation of blood and cholesterol
* Red light and the gut microbiome
* Methionine Cycle and heavy metals
* Riboflavin (B2) and Sulfation
* Blue light and the microbiome
* Sculpting the microbiome with sunlight
* The Epi Paleo Rx
* Diet and light
* Photobiomodulation
* Tina Kuru
* Jeff Leech’s new study
* Jack’s No 1 Gut health recommendation:

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Nourishmeorganics- Gut Health Super Store- Shine from the Inside

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Deuterium Testing (10% off Deuterium Explorer Kit using code: deuterium)

Deuterium Explorer (Saliva, Urine or Water Samples via Isotope Mass Spectrometry)

Connect with Dr Jack Kruse


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My review of Hair Growth and Shine Supplements from Schwartz Bioresearch. With a special cameo appearance from Collin (my son), the cutest co-host I could hope for!

For more details be sure to check my latest blog post here:

Product link with details here:


I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
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Holistic Way Probiotic 75 Billion – Beauty Insider 2019 Award Winner

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Best Health & Wellness Product & Best Supplement Beauty Insider’s Choice Award

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Dr Nancy Bryan on PhysIQ PREBIOTIC

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Dr. Nancy Bryan has a BS In Biochemistry, a BS In Pharmacy and a Doctor in Pharmacy, a Nutrigenomics Educator, Certified Diabetic Educator, Certified Geriatric Specialist, and a nutritional, medicinal and veterinary formulator.

Shannon Shine and Patti Goolsby host Dr. Bryan as she shares what a special product the LifeVantage PhysIQ PREBIOTIC is!

PhysIQ Prebiotic

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“For the rest of my life?” Shocked by his Doctor. He couldn’t shake how absolutely wrong it sounded to him. Why? Is this what health care is all about, taking their pharmaceuticals for my quality and duration of life? There has to be a natural way. It just didn’t add up. This was the begining of Chuck’s search into natural health. Many years later and much healthier through his own progressive health journey, he is currently a Certified Natural Health Practitioner. Chuck is currently working to complete his Naturopathic Doctor program through Trinity School of Natural Health and is motivated to share his knowledge with the world through his YouTube channel: SocoNaturalHealth.

How many supplements (vitamins) do I take everyday?

There are so many supplements(vitamins) I am not exactly sure. Easily a handful after every meal. This took time. For me it was an easier choice over those other options. I always try to find supplements (vitamins) with no other additives. I try to take as few supplements  that contain sterate. 

For educational purposes only

First see your health care provider before any new health supplement implemented.

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What I Eat In A Day (how i got my abs) | RENEE AMBERG

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Realistic FULL DAY OF EATING | How I Got & Maintained My Abs | WHAT I EAT IN A DAY | Thank you for watching xx

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