Archive for November, 2020

Probiotic Side Effects

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Perhaps you’ve taken a probiotic and it’s made you feel MORE bloated, gassy, or unwell. Maybe it even feels like it’s flared up your IBS, SIBO, or IBD! Is it die-off? Did it “feed” your SIBO? Is it a “bad” product? We’ll take a deep dive into this topic in today’s video!

FODMAP Freedom in 90 Days:

FODMAP Course Waiting List

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Episode 32 Dr Claire Fraser explains how our gut microbes improve our health, prevent disease and

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Women who are pregnant often talk how careful they are about what they eat and drink. They’re careful, points out Dr. Claire Fraser, because they’re feeding their baby.

“Well, we should all think about diet in the same way that pregnant women do,” says Fraser. “Everything we put into our mouths, we’re either feeding or not feeding our gut microbes … And it’s important we keep our gut microbes happy.”

Fraser is a pioneer and global leader in genomic medicine, a branch of molecular biology that focuses on the genome. In episode 32 of STEM-Talk, Fraser sits down with host Dawn Kernagis and IHMC founder Ken Ford to explain why we should all pay more attention to our guts, which is the home of more than 100 trillion bacteria.

An endowed professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Fraser is a founder and director of Maryland’s Institute for Genome Sciences. From 1998 to 2007, she was the director of the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and led teams that sequenced the genomes of several microbial organisms, including important human and animal pathogens.

In 1995, she became the first person to map the complete genetic code of a free-living organism, Haemophilus Influenza, the bacterium that causes lower respiratory tract infections and meningitis in infants and young children. This discovery forever changed microbiology and launched a new field of study, microbial genomics.

During this time, she and her team also sequenced the bacteria behind syphilis and Lyme disease, and eventually the first plant genome and the first human-pathogenic parasite. She even helped identify the source of a deadly 2001 anthrax attack in one of the biggest investigations conducted by U.S. law enforcement.

Research into the benefits of gut bacteria has exploded around the world in the past decade. In this STEM-Talk episode, Fraser explains the role these microbes play in improving health, preventing disease, and keeping us mentally sharp. She even shares how her diet has changed since she started studying the gut microbiome.

Fraser also talks about working with the FBI during the 2001 antrhax attacks and her early work in microbiology that led to the first mapping of a free-living organism’s complete genetic code.

Her recent lecture at IHMC, titled “The Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease,” can be viewed at

If you’re interested in learning more about the gut microbiome, Fraser in her lecture recommended “The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-term Health” by Stanford University scientists Justin and Erica Sonnenburg.
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Eight week challenge results: How I lost 18lbs and 5% body fat | F45 Challenge

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Eight week challenge results: How I lost 18lbs and 5% body fat | F45 Challenge

During lockdown many of us have gained weight and with 2020 being ‘cancelled’ it was hard to stay motivated, as Telegraph Journalist Danielle Robinson found. Over the course of the next 8 weeks she’s challenged herself to lose the weight she gained in lockdown, following the F45 8 week challenge. Each week we’ll be posting a video diary entry of her achievements and hurdles. This week Danielle has finished the challenge, check out her results and tips for anyone else taking on a fitness challenge.

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